Sunday 17 January 2016


Our children are our world. If we are old enough to bring them to this world , we should also be able protect and keep them safe from bullies , adversaries or danger. And God forbid if they go missing, a mother will do anything and everything to find them. So one can understand the frustration of mothers whose kids are still missing more than a 642days ago. Kids abducted from their schools and never to be seen again. The CHIBOK GIRLS.
These concerned mothers , their sympathizers and hundreds of concerned influential political figures organized , marched , held talks and protested all with the aim of ensuring something is done to reunite the children with their family. Oby Ezekwesili and Aisha Yesufu  lead traumatized and concerned mothers of these abducted children in marching to the Presidential Villa on so many occasions but it seems their last visit is bringing the worst out of some "supposed" intelligent people . Aisha tweeted about her last audience with the President which by all account didn't go down well OR was below what the BBOG organizers expected. Aisha's grouse is that the President and his team seems distant , lacks empathy and are unpassionate on the plight of the missing girls. On someone's wall , I made this summation ;
"Apart from the greetings I think the President and his team did a terrible job in handling the situation. ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­. It seems the pressure is getting to the President. Putting the blame on the past administration and not showing Commendable empathy to the plight of Chibok mothers is a monumental blunder. Aishat Aisha Yesufu is a woman , a concerned mother who felt the Buhari administration should've handled the reception better. This same movement BBOG was used to viciously attack GEJ administration for doing the exact thing Buhari's team are doing right now. To a helpless mother who is living the harsh reality of not knowing the whereabouts of her daughters, NO WORD is too harsh to seek help , hope and succor. Our nascent democracy is in utmost danger if we hero-worship our political leaders , turn our politicians into God that must be revered and not questioned. Leadership (especially political) comes with responsibilities. One of such is to feel the pain of the electorates. If the president is not emotionally attached to the plight of his people, his body language , ideas and policy will be in variance to the needs of the nation. In advocating for stiffer legislation on gun control President Obama openly wept for the continued lives being lost daily in Gun violence . This is clearly to show that as a father of teenage daughters , he understands the pain of the victims parents. Obama didn't walk out on the victims families or disregard their agitations as harassment. President Buhari , his handlers and one-way supporters are doing Nigeria a major injustice"

-Ola Folarin


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