Sponsored Post: JOINValue Initiative Visits Modupe Cole Memorial Child Care and Treatment Home - Facts Square

Saturday 17 December 2016

Sponsored Post: JOINValue Initiative Visits Modupe Cole Memorial Child Care and Treatment Home

It was a moment of joy for over 300 physically challenged students when JOINValue (Jewels of Inestimable Value) members visited Modupe Cole Memorial Child Care and Treatment Home to felicitate with the children during the Christmas season.

The Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), JOINValue, visited the home doubling as school for the physically challenged to stretch hands of love to students by spending some hours to celebrate with them.

The founder of the JOINValue, Miss Chichi Ogbonnaya explained that the best way to give is giving committedly and anticipating nothing in return. This she said was the reason her NGO, JOINValue chose Modupe Cole as the best place to be during this time. “The best way to give is giving wholeheartedly and expecting nothing in return because giving shouldn’t be motivated by what you will get in return and as it has been said, you have not given until you have given to someone who cannot repay you.” 

“This is one of the projects we do every year and the whole essence of JOINValue Initiative is making positive impact. One way we do this is through JOINValue Cares, a project set aside to give to the less privilege and put smiles on the faces of children. We intend to do this every year across the country and next year, we will be going to Oyo State. We are also trusting God to help us do more.” She added. While talking with the children, she encouraged them to remain focus and not feel forgotten because they have a bright future ahead of them. 

Mr. Ebuka Odikpo, programme officer of JOINValue lauded the act of the founder of the organization and beckoned on Nigerians not to forget those that don’t have especially the orphans and physically challenged asserting that we are all Nigerians and we should be there to raise ourselves in times of difficulties stressing we all have a part to play in making Nigeria a better place.

The Principal of the school, Mrs. Kayode thanked the organization for their kind gesture for them coming in the season of yuletide to celebrate with the children. She also appreciated the members and enjoined them to always show love to whoever they see and help whenever they can.

Some of the things given to the home includes; food items, clothing materials, bags and shoes. The members of the organization also cut cakes and shared food for the children.


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