Change the changeable! By S.A Odunuga - Facts Square

Monday 28 November 2016

Change the changeable! By S.A Odunuga

 The presidential system of government currently operates in Nigeria encourages wastage, abuse of office and corruption. The trio: executive, legislature and judiciary serve as the black holes of the nation. 

Can we,perhaps, embrace the parliamentary democracy operated in the Federal Republic of Germany?
There is a president who performs mere ceremonial functions. Though he  presents the Chancellor to the Bundestag(parliament) for election. 

The chancellor is elected by the lower legislative chamber( the Bundestag) via a qualified majority system of voting in the parliament. The Chancellor could be removed from office through a " constructive and not sheer vote of no confidence". The Chancellor draws his cabinet members from the Bundestag(the lower chamber of the parliament). 

Meaning that, just as in the UK parliament; though with a slight difference, members of cabinet of the Chancellor are also members of the parliament who are accountable to the parliament. What does this translate into? It means that the same people voted into the parliament by the voters in their respective constituencies are the ones serving the people as government ministers at the same time. So, the needs of the people in the constituencies are well prioritised and managed at the centre.

The Bundestag. It is the lower legislative house of Germany. Its members are elected by German voters in a double voting system. At first, 299 representatives are elected into the lower house by voters in their constituencies based on the credibilities of the candidates. In the second vote, the voters elect another 299 representatives from the lists presented to them by political parties with representations in the Bundestag. 
This gives rise to each voter having two(2) voting rights.That makes it a total number of 598 elected members of the lower chamber directly elected by the constituents. 

The Bundesrat, on the other hand, is the upper legislative house whose members are not elected in a direct election by the voters but appointed by the state cabinets. Members of the upper chamber are members of the state cabinets and are appointed into the Bundesrat from within the state cabinets. 
They can be removed at any time by the state cabinets. Members of the upper chamber usually perfom oversight functions in literal term. However, the number of appointed members of the upper house is based on the population size, inter alia, of each state or land or region in Germany. 

Let the Nigeria ruling class and the bourgeoisie refrain from this wasteful enterprise they named "presidential system of government".

Ire ooo!


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